Library Reserves and Events Coordinator Cal Poly Humboldt McKinleyville, CA
Role-playing games give players the opportunity to explore concepts of identity and perspective in a welcoming and collaborative environment. Libraries often become bastions for marginalized and underrepresented communities, including LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC patrons. Tabletop role-playing game programs and events are often more attractive to those who might otherwise skip out on social events. Many library role-playing game programs focus on Dungeons & Dragons, which is most popular RPG out there. While D&D serves as an excellent gateway into the world of role-playing, there are hundreds of RPGs to experience, many of which provide a more specific and more inclusive play experience. Games such as "Thirsty Sword Lesbians" and "Coyote & Crow" allow players from marginalized backgrounds the opportunities to see themselves and their cultures represented through play. Learn about these and many more RPGs to help broaden your collections and events and help connect with your communities even more strongly.