Principal Consultant/Affiliate Research Faculty Beth Wahler Consulting/UNC Charlotte School of Social Work Bartlett, IL
This interactive workshop allows participants to explore new strategies for caring for themselves in the face of stress as well as caring for their colleagues and contributing to a healthy, psychologically safe workplace. This workshop includes content on: -The impact of changing patron needs and workplace trauma on staff well-being -Accessible, affordable, and easily implemented strategies for self-care, including both short-term, immediate strategies to use in high-stress situations and long-term strategies for increasing resilience to stress -Limits of self-care -Information about “community care” and ways to support “sustainable practice,” which emphasize collective efforts to create psychologically safe, responsive, and protective workplace environments that promote employee well-being (rather than focusing entirely on individual and self-focused strategies for wellness) -Strategies library staff can use to promote community care in their workplace -Exploration of personal coping strategies -Development of a personal self-care plan